X-Men vote 2022 candidates Bring An even more Obscure group Than 2021

2022 seems a little too soon for a new X-Men team member vote, but marvel announced the new candidates today – and they have some huge surprises as they did in the 2021 X-Men Vote. Unfortunately, they also have another “safe bet,” such as Polaris (who won the first fan election). However, even the most popular amongst this batch has some stiff competition. So, let’s take a look at the ten nominees we get to choose from. We’ll go from “Pretty much every fan and passing comic book reader knows that character” to “We’re off to see the Wiki, the wonderful Wiki of X.”

The first X-Men 2022 candidate to vote for is an Uninspired Choice

(Image: marvel Comics)

Marvel could use these campaigns to highlight lesser-known characters. but they need to throw in some popular characters to get people interested in the vote. That’s most likely the case with Siryn, the daughter of one of the most popular X-Men of all time, Banshee. She’s been an X-Man before, and served on other teams. So, hopefully, she’ll find a different roster to join down the line. Here’s what marvel has to say about her:


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The daughter of lauded X-Man Banshee, Theresa Cassidy made a name for herself as a member of X-Factor, making use of the same sonic powers as her father. The current X-Factor team was finally able to free her from the influence of the divine being known as the Morrigan, to whom she’d sacrificed herself to save a fellow mutant.

This next option already lost the vote in 2021

(Image: marvel Comics)

Poor Hisako. Her popularity ebbs and flows. every time she’s featured on a team, people love her. When she isn’t, it’s like everyone immediately forgets about her. So what makes Armor a strange choice is that not only did she lose in 2021, but she’s already on an upcoming team – the secret X-Men – made up of all the 2021 losers. So, does Gerry Duggan just really love Armor? Or maybe the X-Office has big plans for her and hopes that she’ll end up on the team? Here’s her write-up:

Hisako Ichiki is able to create a powerful psionic force-field around herself, giving her superhuman strength and durability. She planted the first Krakoan flower on Mars, and as a member of the new Mutants, she aids her brethren across the globe.

The Deadliest candidate in the X-Men 2022 Vote

(Image: marvel Comics)

While there’s one other mutant on the list who could be considered deadlier, Penance still wins this round. Monet St Croix used to go by the name M. Yep, just M. She’s a telepath, can fly, and is insanely strong. but a few years back, she also gained – or was cursed with – the vampiric powers of her brother, Emplate. He’s the creepy mutant that looks like Cthulhu and the pale man from Pan’s Labyrinth got drunk, freaky, and had a baby. now she can transform into Penance while keeping control of her darker half. Mostly. marvel kind of glosses over the whole “I drain the life out of mutants” part:

Monet St. Croix touts herself as a near-perfect mutant specimen with a wide range of powers and talents. She is currently the co-CXO of X-Corp. though she once considered it a burden, Monet is now capable of shifting to and from her deadly Penance form at will.


One of the most Underrated X-Men candidates in the 2022 Vote

(Image: marvel Comics)

When Craig Kyle and Chris Yost worked on new X-Men in the early 2000s, surge was one of their best characters. She was a team leader, had an impressive powerset, and was still a teenager. Noriko was also Emma Frost’s favorite student. based on her look and powers, many fans believe she was Negasonic teenage Warhead’s girlfriend in Deadpool 2. but that was actually Yukio, who also appeared in The Wolverine, played by an actress a bit older. In our hearts, though, surge was in Deadpool 2. Marvel’s description of this 2022 X-Men vote candidate:

One of the most powerful electrokinetics on Krakoa, Noriko Ashida can produce devastating blasts of lightning and move at incredible speeds. She’s poised to team up with her fellow new X-Men alums to protect the next generation of mutantdom.

One of the most Vicious Enemies of the X-Men is now a candidate for the Team

(Image: marvel Comics)

Gorgon would be the deadliest member on this list at any other time. However, the martial artist capable of turning people to stone with one glance hasn’t been himself lately. He and Wolverine were bitter rivals for decades; they served side-by-side as Champions in X of Swords. When the X-Men were badly losing, he slaughtered an entire army of Arakki warriors to even the score but died doing so. Therefore, on Krakoa, he might be one of the favored 2022 candidates for the X-Men Vote. but what about readers? marvel hints at the ramifications of that death in their write-up. Whoever wrote his short bio for the X-Men vote seems to favor him too, as Gorgon got the most attention:

Like the mythical creature of his namesake, Tomi Shishido’s gaze can turn anyone who meets it into stone. Although he possesses many other superpowers, Gorgon’s proficiency with swords is his greatest strength. due to his skill with a blade, he was able to turn the tide at a crucial moment during the contest of Swords in Otherworld. Unfortunately, he died doing so and came back…different.

The next candidate was also a Badass new X-Men Character

(Image: marvel Comics)

Bling! That’s her name, exclamation point and all. but for the sake of Grammarly’s sanity (apps have mental health issues, right?), we’re going to go with Bling. The young mutant has a diamond body like Emma Frost can manifest at will, but permanent. and her name would make Stan Lee and Jack Kirby proud: Roxy Washington. get it. Roxy? Rock-sy?! like a diamond! Hats off to Peter Milligan and Salvador Larroca, Bling’s creators. For some reason, marvel decided not to mention this diamond-quality nugget. Or her real name. Gambit’s Chevaliers gets a mention, but not her real name? Roxy is one of the 2022 candidates for the X-Men Vote! Her name deserves to shine as she does! Here’s Marvel’s description:

A former member of Gambit’s Chevaliers squad at the Xavier School, Bling! has more recently teamed up with X-23 and her team to investigate the true motives of the new Krakoan nation. She possesses a diamond-hard body, superhuman strength and the ability to fire crystalline projectiles.

A classic Villain Makes the List

(Image: marvel Comics)

While Gorgon is a dangerous foe – or, at least, was – Avalanche is more, well, aloof. From the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, he’s probably one of the least popular members. Toad, Pyro, Blob? people love them. Juggernaut was a popular member, and he isn’t even a mutant! Still, it’s an exciting choice. Dominikos Petrakis has tried playing hero a few times now, going back to fear Itself when he attempted to stop a powered-up Juggernaut from reaching Utopia, the previous X-Men Island nation. He also worked with SWORD during the Last Annihilation crisis. He is a great candidate for the X-Men 2022 vote is that he is both a character ripe for exploration and a legacy character. The X-Office seems to like him too:

A long-standing member of the Brotherhood, Dominikos Petrakis used his seismokinetic powers against the X-Men. though he was killed by the Red Skull, he was one of countless mutants to be resurrected on Krakoa, where he became an agent of S.W.O.R.D.

One of the X-Men vote 2022 candidates is Besties with Spider-Man

(Image: marvel Comics)

We’re getting to the “who?” part of the lineup. but if you were a kid in the 1980s, Firestar was not an obscure character. Angelica Jones was a hot property back then. She was on every team you can imagine, from the Avengers to the young Allies. Plus, Spider-Man vouches for her, so she’s a sure win. However, she’s an odd pick for one particular reason: she hasn’t yet joined the Krakoan nation, as marvel points out:

Angelica Jones is a veteran superhero, boasting former memberships in the Avengers, new Warriors, young Allies and the X-Men themselves — in addition to being one of Spider-Man’s most outstanding friends. in spite of her codename, her powers are actually microwave-based, allowing her to ignite, melt or otherwise superheat whatever she targets. She has yet to claim Krakoan citizenship…

Never Underestimate a gentle Giant

(Image: marvel Comics)

Nezhno Abidemi is a soft-spoken powerhouse. His Vibranium tattoos keep his power in check so that he doesn’t grow too massive (and have seizures because of it). another member of the new Mutants, gentle might not be the most well-known, but he could become a fan favorite. new comic book fans might like that he is Krakoan and Wakandan. having someone from Black Panther’s nation as an X-Men member would be great for the X-Men’s public image. They are a team protecting the world. They should represent that a bit more. Sadly, marvel didn’t have much to say about him, so hopefully, fans do some research:

The first X-Man to hail from the nation of Wakanda, Nezhno Abidemi now calls Krakoa his home. His mutant power allows him to exponentially increase his musculature, giving him almost limitless strength and invulnerability.

The Last of the X-Men 2022 candidates to vote for is Worthy…of a Wikipedia Search

(Image: marvel Comics)

In the last vote, the most obscure character was Tempo. most people reacted with, “oh, Tempo! Yeah, I forgot about her. She’s awesome.” She didn’t win. but this time around, we have Micromax. but he’s not an “oh, yeah, he’s cool” character. He’s a “go to Wikipedia and see “this section needs expansion” character. marvel gives us some information but fails to tell us what his powers are or why we should care. In fact, they mention how he once worked with a government agency oppressing mutants:

A British mutant, Scott Wright has served as an agent of various agencies of the Crown, including MI13 and F.I.6. In the past, he was also briefly a member of Excalibur — and, controversially, O*N*E — when he came into conflict with many of his fellow mutants.

Of All the 2022 X-Men candidates to vote for, who is most likely to Win – and who should Win?

(Image: marvel Comics)

Polaris won last year’s election mainly because of name recognition. She’s not a bad character by any means and would have been a good choice for the X-Men roster regardless. She should have occupied Rogue’s spot and had another mutant on the ballot. this time around, that’s Syrin. Again, she’s a great character, and if the writers announced her as a team member, that would be great. However, the X-Men 2022 candidates should have more unique characters to vote for, not mainstays. She’s most likely to win.

But who should win? one of the new X-Men. Bling, Armor, Surge, or Gentle. Krakoa is all about the future of Mutant civilization. We need to see more mutants who have a fresh look at being a mutant. Yes, they’ve seen some hard times, but they aren’t as jaded as their adult counterparts. They have a perspective Cyclops, Rogue, Jean, Polaris, and Sunfire simply don’t have. and while Wolverine (Laura Kinney) and Synch are technically young, Laura has extreme trauma clouding her, and Synch just lived for a thousand years in the Vault, a place where time on the outside doesn’t change. So, he now has a very old mind in the body of a young man. Bling, Surge, Gentle, or Armor could bring a needed naivety to the team.

Which candidates do you want to see on the X-Men, and who will get your 2022 vote? tell us below. I’m pulling for Gentle.

(Featured Image: marvel Comics)

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